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CV and Portfolio as PDF

Picture of some person in a field
Sjoerd Leijten is a transdisciplinary artist, composer and radio maker with a keen interest in dissident sounds and politics. He often works with electromagnetism, field recordings, noise, realtime processing and open source software and hardware.

His work consists of performances, concerts, DIY instruments, installations, releases, podcasts, films and radio. His music for cinema and videogames has won several awards. He has showed his work in various places, amongst others Østfold Internasjonale Teater (Fredrikstad, NO), Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven, NL), Budapest Spring Festival (Budapest, HU), V2_ (Rotterdam, NL), Kernel Festival (Desio, IT), Oerol (Terschelling, NL), Berlin Art Weekend (Berlin, DE) and the Old Church (Amsterdam, NL).

Currently he is working on the cinematic installation CATASTROPHIC STRUCTURES in collaboration with Stijn Verhoeff and on WATCHTOWER, a series of 7 site specific sound installations in collaboration with Johannes Bellinkx. WATCHTOWER is currently exhibited in the landscape around Fredrikstad (NO).

Together with artist Mariana Lanari he forms the Finnegans Wake re-narration band Rainbow Peel 475.13. With researcher Roel Griffioen he makes the podcast TRASHLINIE.

On local underground radio station Radio Centraal 106.7 in Antwerp (BE) FM he hosts the bi-weekly radioshow trashkot together with artist Jo Caimo: "A rancid tissue of sounds, conversations and garbage forms a shaky bridge between music and politics."